NEWS / Backcatalogue on Bandcamp

Once again we want to remind you that you can
listen/buy all our backcatalogue releases digitally on mp3 (320k vbr), Ogg Vorbis, AAC (iTunes store format), Apple Lossless (aka ALAC m4a extension) and FLAC (the last 2 are CD quality). So it is possible to actually choose which format you want. No cranky mp3 files anymore, just good quality. Every song on our webshop is streamed on 128k mp3, so you can listen to every song, in total! No 30 seconds snippet nonsense, the whole song!

And on top of all: we give away 2 songs for free. Yes, you can download the opening tracks from our two latest studioalbums.
"I Krigets tid" from "I början och slutet" and "Ljuset(The Light) from "Elden av år".
Just click on the link here:
Bandcamp TK

Publicerad: 13:53 11/23/2010

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